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Friday, June 16, 2006
Beautiful People

Two days ago, I started to become aware of the fact that people are beautiful. I was walking down a hallway at MUN and an insperandom girl happened to be walking ahead of me. She smelled like marshmellows. I'm not talking about the marshmellows that are kept under my pillow for secret eating. It was like I-can't-believe-it's-not-Jelly-Belly marshmellows. It was sweet. I considered following her, but I figured that would be the first step to becoming a creepy old man with a comb-over, which my friend Catherine tells me would not be good.

Soon after, I was sitting down reading "Blue Like Jazz" and I saw a guy walk up the stairs nearby. I have no idea what was going through his mind, so I can only interpolate by what it looked like he was thinking. It seemed that he saw some long lost friend behind him, so he turned to smile and wave. In mid-wave, his face turned to complete horror as he didn't realize the strength of his mental powers and his energetic wave made his long lost friend explode into tiny pieces. He then hunched his back and covered his face to keep from being recognized by the mystical powers police as he slunk away from the scene. I nearly laughed out loud.

I continued to be amused as I watched a girl talking on her cell-phone. I had seen her before, and I had never considered her terribly attractive. I soon learned that was because I had never seen her smile. She was with someone I can only assume to be her boyfriend, who was kicking her in the stomach and wacking her upside the head while she was talking on her cell-phone. She wasn't feeling... hesitant. She was punching and kick-boxing just as much as he was, and they were both cracking up like they were watching someone make out with a sheet of loose-leaf. I think they're in love. I mean the girl and the guy, not the someone and the sheet of loose-leaf.

Then an African lady came up to the window and started making faces like she thought it was a mirror. That was just crazy-go-nuts.

On a more personal-growth-related note, I've been finding people's lives interesting lately, or rather, I've been finding people interesting when I take an interest in their lives. This may sound like an incredibly obvious statement, but people like to talk about things they like. People grow closer when they talk. I like growing closer to people. The logical course of action is to talk to people about things they like. I've started doing that more lately, and it has been quite grood. I mean good. And great. Great and good.

Three things I would highly recommend:
1. Recognizing the beauty in people.
2. Smiling at people you don't know.
3. Watching Teen Girl Squad.

It's almost over!

Kudos to the first person who can murmur all seven Homestar Runner references in this post.

It's over!