Thursday, February 16, 2006
The Last Drops of the Thundershower

You may be wondering why I started this blog. Am I jumping on the bandwagon, as Valerie so eloquently put it? Although the phrase probably applies, my reasoning is closer to Leslie's; I was reading so many wonderful thoughts in the blogs my friends have written that I wanted to leave comments telling them how much they had blessed me or made me think. Also, I wanted to hear what other people think about the things I think about. Please feel free to comment with your opinions. That's the main reason I'm starting this blog - to find out what other people think.

You may also be wondering about the title I have chosen - Into the Silent Planet. Firstly, this is a fail-safe on my part. I don't know how much I will use this blog, so silence seemed like a safe title. If I rarely blog, than you can't say I didn't warn you. Also, Out of the Silent Planet is the name of a book by CS Lewis, my favorite author. I haven't read it yet, but I plan on delving into it. You may think that a pitiful reason to change the title from "Out of" to "Into". Perhaps I have some ingenious philosophical reason for changing the words. Perhaps the title "Out of the Silent Planet" was already taken. You will never know.

The main reason for the title of my blog is that silence is the subject that God has most been teaching me about lately. It seems that God's been impressing this on Deborah's heart too, by the look of her blog. Waiting on God in silence and contenting yourself in His... it's much harder than I had thought. I've heard about the value of resting in His presence, but I'm slow in finding the value myself. I believe it's an important part of His character, though, and so I'm think it's best to make it important in my prayer life as well.

If you have not read the book "Red Moon Rising," I would highly recommend it. Although its readership is not specific to any denomination, I find that it is especially encouraging and convicting for Salvationists. It has become my favorite book, and I don't switch favorites easily. This book started my thinking about silence.

To conclude my blog (or begin it), I would like to thank you for finding my thoughts worthy of consideration. I look forward to reading yours.


Blogger Nav said...

Hey Neelix,

I agree with you on the power of silence. I believe that silence is highly under rated. Although it can be frustrating, it is then we must learn to be content.

February 23, 2006 10:12 a.m.  
Blogger ~m said...

how was relient k????

February 23, 2006 1:06 p.m.  
Blogger David said...

Congratulations on being the first person to comment on my blog, Nav! I was wondering who it would be.

Relient K was awesome. Cocoa, Buttercup, Fil, Toes, and I were all there. I moshed for the first time since Rebozo. The music was great and being there with friends made it amazing. It was wonderful just to be able to see all the band members live. Certainly a dream come true.

February 23, 2006 1:54 p.m.  

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