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Friday, March 31, 2006
William, Wilbur, and Wikipedia

I am about to say something that I never thought I ever would. I've been slightly bored with reading lately. Isn't that odd? I've always enjoyed reading, but I've just been doing it so much lately. In the past two months, I have read nine books. Normally, that would take me a year or more. I've had so much free time. I really can't complain. I've enjoyed the time to relax, the time to hang out with friends, and the time to wait on God in 'silence'.

I have decided to take a little break from intense reading for a while. Instead, I've been writing and editing Wikipedia articles. It has been fairly educational. Apparently, William and Catherine Booth's first son became the second General of the Salvation Army, while their second son started his own organization called Volunteers of America.

Because I don't want to get away from reading altogether, I've decided to pick up some lighter books. I'm planning on reading a few books by EB White, starting with Charlotte's Web.


Blogger Peaches said...

Wikipedia is very interesting isn't it? They have info on like everything. Enjoy reading your lighter books.

April 01, 2006 9:59 a.m.  
Blogger ~m said...


April 01, 2006 3:27 p.m.  

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