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Monday, April 10, 2006
Black and White

One of my favorite things to do with a free day on the calendar is to have a movie theme day. My first theme was Star Trek. I invited a few friends up and watched all six of the original Star Trek movies in one day. We had Star Trek themed meals and we even dressed up. Since that fateful day, I have held two other Star Trek days, one Matrix day, one Lord of the Rings day, and two Star Wars days. They are so much fun, if you don't mind drinking Klingon blood wine, dressing up as Agent Smith, and watching movies for hours on end.

This weekend, I had nothing planned for Saturday, so I decided to have a Black and White day. I got up bright and early, put on all black and white clothes, and began the festivities. I started with two movies starring Audrey Hepburn; "Sabrina", followed by "Roman Holiday". I then went on to watch "Schindler's List". I hadn't seen either of these movies before, and I was quite impressed with them. I have a weak spot for black and white movies, my favorites being "The Gold Rush", "The Great Dictator", and "Have Rocket, Will Travel".

In case you might be wondering, I did not have themed meals. Black and white foods are very hard to find. I suppose I could have chowed down on marshmallows and black licorice all day, but that probably would have turned my intestines black and my face white after a while.


Blogger Peaches said...

Sounds like a fun time.

April 10, 2006 3:43 p.m.  

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