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Sunday, April 23, 2006
Bumblebees and Staplers

I must pause here to thank Mara for her awesome HTML work on my blog. It would have taken me a long time to figure out on my own. So thank you, Mara.

The new layout is not, in fact, modeled after bumblebees, but as a blog layout is an artistic expression, I suppose any interpretation is valid. The concept came from the title of the blog, "Into the Silent Planet", which, if you recall from my first post, is a varient of "Out of the Silent Planet", a book by CS Lewis. One publication of the book looks very similar to my current blog layout. There are still a few kinks to work out, but I'm quite pleased with how it has unfolded thus far. I chose this specific cover (out of many versions) because I was always told in art class that yellow should never be used as a dominant color. I try not to follow pointless rules.

My last day of work was two days ago and it finished up really well. They gave me some awesome parting gifts, including a fancy water bottle that looks like a space shuttle and a shiny stapler like I've only dreamed of.

WARNING: My blog postings may become infrequent or even come to a halt over the next few months. Rest assured that if such a trajedy occurs, it is most likely due to the fact that I am at university and am spending all my time studying. Do not be alarmed. After all, it's just a blog.


Blogger Nav said...

Ewww studying.

April 25, 2006 4:23 p.m.  
Blogger Nav said...

How did you think of "Wolf Nurse" for my link? Just out of curiousity.

May 17, 2006 6:34 p.m.  
Blogger David said...

It's an anagram of sunflower, your blog address. Many of the links are anagrams. Kudos to anyone who can figure them all out!

May 18, 2006 6:48 a.m.  
Blogger Nav said...

That just made my day.

May 18, 2006 10:34 a.m.  
Blogger Natalie Jill said...

Yes... I'm a murmuring echo! I've always wanted to be a murmurning echo...



May 26, 2006 3:35 p.m.  

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